Content removal

If you come across content on our site that you believe is objectionable and should be removed, please use one of the two forms linked below.

Please understand that Xvideos is a hosting service for user-uploaded videos, and that we cannot and do not manually review every video that is uploaded to the site. We do our best to quickly remove content that violates our Terms of Service or applicable law once that material is reported.


If you come across uploaded material that is inappropriate, illegal, harmful or offensive, please report the content using the Abuse form below, and be sure to include the video URL and any information that enables us to swiftly identify the content and act on the report.


If you are a copyright owner who believes your content has been uploaded to this site without authorization, please use the Copyright link below to use our online copyright take-down request form. Using our webform is the best way for us to act expeditiously on reports; failure to use the webform may delay processing of your request, and may also introduce errors into the process.


If you wish to report non copyright-related issues, such as trademark, privacy, harassment, unlawful or offensive material, please use our

Abuse Reporting Form


If you wish to report a copyright issue, please use our

Form For Copyright Infringements

Child Sexual Abuse

Child Sexual Abuse refers to any form of sexual activity involving a child, including inappropriate touching, exploitation, or grooming. It is a serious violation of a child’s rights and can have long-lasting effects on their physical and emotional well-being. If you suspect or have evidence of such abuse, it is critical to take immediate action by reporting the incident through the appropriate channels. Your report can help protect children and hold perpetrators accountable.

Form For Child Sexual Abuse